Integration functions

Spectra.jl provides functions that allow one to integrate the area under a region of a spectrum, or to calculate the area under Gaussian, Lorentzian or other bands.

Function trapz

At the moment, only two functions are available. trapz is an implementation in Julia of the trapezoïdal integration function available in Matlab for instance. Call it as:

area = trapz(x, y)


x: Vector{Float64} containing the x values;

y: Vector{Float64} containing the y values;


area: Float64, the trapezoidal integration value

This function is particularly helpful to calculate the area under a portion of a spectrum, and can be used for various purposes (normalisation, area comparison, etc.).

Function bandarea

This function replaces the function gaussianarea in the version <0.1.9 of Spectra.jl. It allows to calculate the area under a specific band, with different shapes. For now, only Gaussian bands are supported, but other band shapes will be added soon. (This explains why gaussianarea is deprecated in favor of a more generic function)

gaussianarea allows to calculate the area under a gaussian peak from its half-width at half maximum (hwhm) and its amplitude, with the possibility of calculating the error based on the inputs of the errors on hwhm and amplitude. Call it as:

area, esearea = band(Amplitude,HWHM; peak_shape = “Gaussian”, error_switch = “no”, eseAmplitude = [0.0], eseHWHM = [0.0])


Amplitude: Array{Float64}, contains the amplitudes (intensity) of the band(s);

HWHM: Array{Float64}, contains the half width at half maximum of the peaks;


peak_shape: String, indicates the shape of the component. Only “Gaussian” is supported for now;

error_switch: String, should be “yes” or “no”. If “yes”, the arrays containing the errors affecting the band amplitude and widhts should be provided in eseAmplitude and eseHWHM (see below);

eseAmplitude: Array{Float64}, an array that contains the errors affecting Amplitude;

eseHWHM: Array{Float64}, an array that contains the errors affecting HWHM;


area: Array{Float64}, an array that contains the areas;

if error_switch is set to “yes”, then a second output is provided:

esearea: Array{Float64}, an array that contains the propagated errors affecting the areas calculations.